Sunday, October 01, 2006


Naming a few Forums I daily visit.

One of my best forums are the Commodore 64 Folkvagn. I got the link to it in my sidebar, but here it is:

the next forum is in english and all about retro gaming. the host site is At their site you can download game emulators for free, but you have to pay for the roms. The payment is in kilobytes (KB) if a file is 34 kb it kosts 34 kb to download. You get 10 mb to start with and and you get points when you post forum posts, (SPAM = BAN) So don't spam. 1 Post = 3 MB

The last forum site is by retrobits podcast, Just registered to there. Quite complicated registration because the moderator has to accept my account... but anyway. It is a forum about Retrocomputing and all kind of that stuff.
<-- select Retrobits podcast there, then you come to the right place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thx for the link to OG :)

Nice to have you there as you seem to be valuable addition to the crew (and you got promoted so fast O_O ) even if your national corner is dead (almost)

Cya on forums :)