Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I did it but it is not a crime!!!

I just wonder how the swedes think... Every one of you who are my blogreaders know how I think :D but I just can't get in to the swedish thinking...

Let's take an example. This is an news buletin from todays Göteborgsposten (morning magazine in Göteborg, Sweden)

One man 36 years old was driving through Göteborg in november last year (2007) the speed of his car were 210 km/h (about 130 miles/h) and no Licence plates on his car... 

The police did catch him finaly when the engine died in his car.

He did say to the press later that "yeah, I was driving too fast but I haven't done anything wrong or illegal"

I just wonder hmm... I wan't to know what were he thinking...

I remember an old pyromaniac story... he said "I did start the fire so the building burnt down and a woman died, but That's legal and I can't get arested"...

Just an iritating thought, that's all. 

Bye for now and see you soon, fellow readers!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New kind of SPAM on my blog!!!

I got this comment on my blog quite often now!

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the *********, I hope you enjoy.

I just wonder... I got the crappy movie end credits blog... even there I got the exactly same post comment. Beware! :D

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Stupid Emma logic

have you wondered ever wonder how I think?

I thought so :D here is an example of my weird thinking.

Let's give some examples:
Y = 4 -> 6 -> 4 and it ends at nr 4 then it is 4 and notihng else.
it could also be like Y = 4 and ends there.
Y is always the start of the thing (do not ask what thing, because I don't know)
Few more examples:
Y = 5 -> 2 -> 4
Y = 3
Y can also end as an Y:
like here:
Y = 5 -> Y
To end this madnes... Even I am confused to this table of numbers so I just wanted to share this with you, writing to you soon!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Nectarine Demoscene Radio

Just sitting and listening on it... interesting, and what is awesome is that they now got a stream for CHIPTUNE, OLDSKOOL and Music which has been USED IN A DEMO.

It's something I do Like, Oldskool and Chiptune rules if someone now listenes in my opinions.

Too much to listen and too little time. But if you want to listen, here's the link to their main page:

Link update:
