Sunday, October 08, 2006

Picturetest on spectrum

I did an test on how to load an picture direct in the in the menu. I thought that SCR files were possible to load in with no separate program on the spectrum system I got a picture that tells how the file system looks like. It is my second test. If you interested to run these on a spectrum emulator, you can download the TAP files from my webpage. HERE!

In that picture you can see everything, step by step as they would be on a tape (or tape image)

0001 is the commandline for and it types the "Starting 1" text on the screen

0002 is the program code that allows to load images into screen

0003 is another note and it will start the loading sequence

0004 is the main picturefile

0005 stops the tape.

The text is quite different in the test 2 i saw... And I tried to change the name's but it won't work.

But the old loader it will work by changing the name.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Experimenting again

This time it is 2 games on real Tape, look att my pictures. I did buy these tapes for 2 Euro, cheap.

Why did I that? It's because I have an theory in my mind that If i download wav 2 tap converter from the internet then I would play the game from my tapes in a emulator. So Yesterday I did my test.Recorded the beeps from the tape to a wav file (no compression on the wav quality)

Then runned the program mtzx233w which can be downloaded at:
(The link may not work allways)

I extracted it up and dropped the wav file to the exe file.The program starts to calculate and when it's done it turns off and you got the tape image file for spectrum on your root folder (C:\)

Then It were just start to playing after the load to a spectrum drive (emulator)I never use fast loaders because it ruins the feeling of loading something real.

The Game which work were "Heavy on the Magic" but the second tape had so much errors in the tape that it failed with the conversion from wav to tape image. the game were "tapper"

But fun that this works.

Monday, October 02, 2006

My new Webcam

I've got the webcam today in the mail today. I have 2 pictures taken with it, sadly it is dark outside now and I took the pictures in plain lamplight from the roof. It looks quite ok.

The picture is from a retro game sold in 2006 (NO ABANDONWARE!!!)

It is an Creative WebCam Live!
It came with microphone, but I can't use it, My soundcard doesn't suport that kind of sound plugs. EMU-X card you know.

But I can snap pictures in resolution 1024 x 768 and shoot video in 640x480, that's great.

Some day I collect pictures of my retrocollection and post them to

And ofcourse, I let you see my collection of retro computers.

Oh, I almost forgot. I won the Auction on the Vic 20.
More of that later, from now on, topics that can have a picture will have an picture. Continuing to listen on The retrobits podcast.


One of my favorite forum sites has crashed?
Or maybe hacked?

the site is backupreseted to beginning of september 2006, and I have lost many threads and posts to threads. And poits.

And the moderator can't get the backup working that he did copy a few days ago. weird, just wait and see what's happening.

I hope all goes well.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Naming a few Forums I daily visit.

One of my best forums are the Commodore 64 Folkvagn. I got the link to it in my sidebar, but here it is:

the next forum is in english and all about retro gaming. the host site is At their site you can download game emulators for free, but you have to pay for the roms. The payment is in kilobytes (KB) if a file is 34 kb it kosts 34 kb to download. You get 10 mb to start with and and you get points when you post forum posts, (SPAM = BAN) So don't spam. 1 Post = 3 MB

The last forum site is by retrobits podcast, Just registered to there. Quite complicated registration because the moderator has to accept my account... but anyway. It is a forum about Retrocomputing and all kind of that stuff.
<-- select Retrobits podcast there, then you come to the right place.