Tuesday, November 29, 2011

whiwa.net is down

Something is really really wrong with my movie site, not this blog thing but whiwa.net.
Either they haven't payed their internet bill, or then their site has been hacked and closed down.

I used to put my comment to each movie on that site too... Oh well, back to old blogging again, so this time I only update my blog if the website won't come back. Ofcourse I will later on update that site too, but main thing is still that I update my watched movie blog.

This was just a short update that whiwa.net is down! (been 2-3 days now)


Saturday, November 05, 2011

I miss those days...

Oh, time flyes when you have fun... when did I last update this blog? Let's see... Tuesday, February 16, 2010... Soon 2 years ago... I apologise... No really I do!!! I almost forgot this blog... It isn't fun :(

I hope still that someone out there who rememberes me is left.
I miss my days 2-3 years back... I were into retro computing and stuff like that... Still lots of interesting stuff to explore with that. But where is my time? Who took it? Let's see... Movies! Let's plays...

I think you all know my moviepage:

If not please check it out, I watch a movie almost every day. But nothing about movies here at the moment.


I had many friends both at C64 Folkvagn and Retrobits podcast... I hope everyone out there still are fine. (http://commodore64.se/forum/) <--Swedish and other nordic languages and (http://www.retrobits.com/) <-- English

Oh I miss those days so lot. I guess from this day (night) I will re-start everything. And Earl, if you ever read this, I will come back to the retrobits forums! And again start to listen to your wonderfull podcast!

Times might change but my interest to retrocomputing won't.

Anyway, I hope I get at least one, welcome back comment :D

Goodnight and see you soon!

/The Emma!