Saturday, November 05, 2011

I miss those days...

Oh, time flyes when you have fun... when did I last update this blog? Let's see... Tuesday, February 16, 2010... Soon 2 years ago... I apologise... No really I do!!! I almost forgot this blog... It isn't fun :(

I hope still that someone out there who rememberes me is left.
I miss my days 2-3 years back... I were into retro computing and stuff like that... Still lots of interesting stuff to explore with that. But where is my time? Who took it? Let's see... Movies! Let's plays...

I think you all know my moviepage:

If not please check it out, I watch a movie almost every day. But nothing about movies here at the moment.


I had many friends both at C64 Folkvagn and Retrobits podcast... I hope everyone out there still are fine. ( <--Swedish and other nordic languages and ( <-- English

Oh I miss those days so lot. I guess from this day (night) I will re-start everything. And Earl, if you ever read this, I will come back to the retrobits forums! And again start to listen to your wonderfull podcast!

Times might change but my interest to retrocomputing won't.

Anyway, I hope I get at least one, welcome back comment :D

Goodnight and see you soon!

/The Emma!

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