Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I found these beeps on 165 mhz.

Compressing error has done this 4.57 minutes so there can be some errors where my minutemarks in this text are.

every 1.30 minute there is a long sound, on the second sequence there is 2 sounds left out, and the last not complete 1 sound is left off.

I start to listen the sequences on the second long sequence.about in 0,45
the first sequence ends and the next begins at 2.15 and that's exactly 1.30 minutes long sequence. there is 9 beeps in one sequence including the starting sound.

The next ends in 3.45. What's interesting in this is that two beeps is missing at the end. But the start to sequence 3 is there.

When sequence 3 begins, i noticed that beep nr 4 is missing here. And the recording ends at 5 minutes.

this broadcast can come from germany and can be clock broacast:

Quote from wiki:
Radio clocks depend on time signal radio stations, which usually broadcas timecodes as a way of identifying second intervals

This is just waste of my time, but it's fun and interesting!

here the video sound link:
Klick here!

Summer breake

I have been lazy and now I am goint soon take a break, I am leaving this place for 2 weeks. But this is not the end! :D See you sooner or later.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Something new...

I have to make something new, something no one has seen before, but what...

Make a new videofeed of someone trying to type his 349 centense long name and 3560 long surename... no... that would be booooooring. And stupid, I think. Yes it will.

So... what should I do then... game intros are great, but something else.

What would you like to see anyway? Monsters behind the fence? (Emma, get real)


Friday, May 18, 2007


Hi everyone!

Love gameintros? I started today a new intro feed for gameintros. No, not a podcast!!! but it is a gameintro feed that you can suscribe.


that's the feed. Hope you enjoy!!!