Monday, June 12, 2006

Hi Once again again too :D

I will give a quick update here

On the end of May I got a PS2 (older version) for free. Frida, my little friends brother gave it to me. It got 4 original games. GTA SA GTA 3 AND GTA VC and WRC.

The HD that is mounted is 160 gb, and got now about 10 games... I did delete most of the games, either they were boring or they didn't work. And the PS2 also got 16 mb save card and a 8 mb for hd games. The 16 bit card, you have to reboot it with a Save card rebooting cd before launching the game. Then last there came a region Free memorycard, so you can watch film from USA Japan, china and everywhere. You only need a RGB switch or a cable to get that working.

And a HD loader CD.

I got here at home a bunch of PsOne demo CDs.

The main thing that I will use the 160 PS2 HD is for demos. Game's arent fun, it is fun to watch and read and see gameplay trailers, but... oh well...

I also brought an PSP. A white one. with FirmWare 2.60 on it... stupid,, If I had known that PSP demos will only work in FW 1.50... And the FW 2.70 is now released.

I won't update because if I do so, then I can't run Demos and emulators on it. You can still start demos and emulators via 2.60 if you use GTA loader. but I'll need to get that game first.
I hope PSP hackers are going to fix that problem. I still want to use the latest and at the same time use demos and other PSP applications that are freeware.

Enough for this time. Goodnight.

Canceling Japanese/日本語を取り消すこと

I will cancel the Japanese language here on blogspot. Send me a note if you want to have it back.

私はblogspot の日本語をここに取り消す。それを有したいと思ったら私にノートを送りなさい。